Domestic became the leader of the Maids because she showed her incredible skills at the Maid Cafe. After becoming the Maids' leader, she talks with an elegant, reasonable, and intelligent voice. She kindly leads Dusk and Dyna, telling them to focus on completing their jobs. Domestic can speak like a true leader, she's mostly the one who comes with plans while completing her mundane tasks along with Dusk and Dyna. Dusk is the second-in-command and Dyna is the third-in-command, they both follow Domestic who is the leader.. Dusk can kind of feel annoyed and cynical by Domestic's leadership, but she can still be proud of her leadership, shows she's wisely loyal to Domestic. Dyna is very polite, supportive, obedient and caring when listening to Domestic's leadership, she can seem to excitedly listen to her plans, shows she's happily loyal to Domestic. So yes, Domestic can be worth taking charge to lead the Maids, she can care for Dusk and Dyna who are her best friends more than her co-workers.
(The Maids, Domestic, Dusk and Dyna belong to @DomesticMaid .)