Previously on Pinned Post:
For most of these themes, don't worry, they'll still be available for selection for 2025 team themes! Usually in the previous years except for 2023, the poll is going to be up after the announcement of the current Artfight's winner team. Although for 2024's theme poll starts in November 2023 with a completely different design layout. (Instead of the usual Google Forms "pick-one" option, last year you can sort out the teams based on your favourites to least favourites)
Now the thing is the two teams might be opposite to each other, but they always have one thing in common which is why I would call both of them together "themes" instead. If the teams are set aside and focusing on them being together,
Here's the general themes of each years, with winners/presumed winners bolded:
2015, Color VS Monochrome (pre artfight net): Saturation
2016, Magic VS Technology: Fiction Power (Fantasy VS Sci-Fi in a nutshell although focusing on their world's power resource)
2017, Sun VS Moon: Celestial Bodies
2018, Tea VS Coffee: Afternoon Break
2019, Dream VS Nightmare: Sleeping
2020, Sugar VS Spice: Food Taste
2021, Steampunk VS Cyberpunk: Punk-suffix Aesthetics
2022, Bloom VS Wither: Life Cycle/Nature
2023, Vampires VS Werewolves: Supernatural/Horror
2024, Seafoam VS Stardust: Presumably the Sea VS Space Debate
And here's the themes of the possible future teams:
Arctic VS Tropic: Climate
Clouds VS Caverns: idk
Comedy VS Tragedy: Theatre
Creation VS Destruction: The Universe (probably godly beings? Idk the first image is my attempt of interpreting it with my own lore)
Flora VS Fauna: Nature
Fossils VS Crystals: Rare Discovery
Heart VS Soul: Human's Spirit
Heroes VS Villains: Comics/Superhero Fiction
Knights VS Dragons: Medieval Era Fiction
Rain VS Shine: Weather
Spring VS Autumn: Seasons
Time VS Space: Albert Einstein /j
Trinkets VS Treasure: Valuable Items
So let's discuss about some stuff about the future themes:
What do you want the next year's theme to be? What theme is your top three (or two, probably just one) favourites, and what theme is your absolute dislikes/least favourite?
For the first and second question, I like the idea of Comedy VS Tragedy and Creation VS Destruction. Although I am stuck on which one should be the next year's theme lmao. I might pick Creation VS Destruction however, as it fits the basic lore of my main characters so far. The idea of Zilch being the top featured of the future ID card just really makes my mind really excited about it. Third question, probably those weather-related (Arctic/Tropic, Rain/Shine, Spring/Autumn). Sorry if you like these themes, I just find it really boring. :(
So... What do you think? Any other questions? Let me know in the comments section.