Hello everyone! This is the post-jam update of The Cloud Watcher, and the penultimate. This update adds a couple of new features, including challenges, combos, new power-ups, secrets and mechanics! Which will all be listed below.

Challenges are new features added to the game, they appear periodically, and increase the game's difficulty. In this update, we have only two challenges:
Fog: Fog appears in front of clouds, and prevents you from clicking them. To destroy fog, you must click it 3-10 times, then it will dissipate and you can click the cloud.
Wind: Wind appears sometimes, and tosses clouds away, you'll need to quickly click the clouds before they go outside the map!

New power-ups have been added, too! These are a bit more unique than the original ones. We got four of them, unfortunately, one got cut for time management.
Artifice of the Sky: A regular power-up that spawns exactly the cloud you need at your mouse's location.
Wind: A regular power-up that titularly allows you to spawn wind! With this power-up unlocked, wind will automatically destroy fog!
Die: A secret power-up. Roll a die, if you land three or lower, you lose score. If you land four or higher, you gain score.
Shotgun: A secret power-up. Gives you an aim. Right click clouds to change their shape, helpful!

Power-downs are the brand new features added to the game! Don't worry, finding power-downs isn't necessary to the game's progression. In constrast to the power-ups, these power-downs will trouble you in your gaming session:
Muffle: If you grab Muffle, effects from power-ups will be blocked for 30 seconds. You CAN grab power-ups, but the effects won't be there.
Pulling: When used, all clouds in the map will be pulled towards the center at a high speed, you won't be able to tell which is which!
The Cloud Killer: An amplified version of the original The Cloud Hater power-up, rather than erasing all clouds that you don't need to find, this power-down will erase ALL clouds.
The Mug: Creates a coffee spill in any part of the map. This spill will destroy any cloud on contact, and you won't get any score from it.
Deal With It: When grabbed, Deal With It will cause you to lose 1 point every second.

WARNING, THIS SECTION CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR THE GAME. Other than that, I added some new mechanics!
Combos: When you click a correct cloud, you have three seconds to click ANY other cloud and get one point, even if it is incorrect.
Feedback: Major feedback has been fixed. For example, now, the power-up menu will scroll using W and S/Up and Down, or by dragging.
Zooming: Players can now zoom in the game, using the scroll wheel.
Baby Mode: A new unlockable mode, that you get by clicking the "disappointment" button, it only appears if you lose having less than 10 highscore in Normal Mode!
Fixes: Several visual issues in Hard Mode and the menus were fixed.
That's all for this update, folks! Next one will include new power-ups, more fixes, and a new secret mode!