So the votes are in! The IndiesVsPewdiepie vote average ended up at a respectable 4.29. Unfortunately, the weighted average was only at 3.53, placed it at a mediocre #216 place. I personally think the game deserved better than that, but that’s just how the turned out. I’d like to thank everyone who’ve played the game - it was a blast to make :)
So what’s next? The game works as intended currently, but there will be a 1.1 patch. This will include audio control, visual indicators of the starting direction for the blue Bouncers, as well as slighly earlier Power Up spawn times. Data suggests that some players don’t even manage to see the first Power Up before they quit on the game, so that should change.
Finally, feel free to come with suggestions for things that you would like to see in the game. I have less time on my hands now, but I’ll see what I can do.