New edition of Beats of Power!
Windows only, for now
Make sure you master the new “Dodge” button
What’s new?
4 player support
Evading attacks is no longer done by tapping a direction twice; rather, it’s done pressing the new “evade” button (doesn’t seem to be a big deal, but it does alter gameplay quite a bit)
One additional Zord level
Silver Horns is now the Boss of the first level. Mutius now appears later in the game.
Goldar has a voice, courtesy of Christopher Dean
More energy power-ups
Cutscenes last longer, more time to read
New easy mode, for those who think the original game is too hard (tsk, tsk)
The big, “realistic” explosions have been replaced to better fit the graphic style of the rest of the game
Same with Rita’s teleport beam
Lord Zedd fight is a bit less cheap now
Bosses’ life increase if more people are playing
“How to play” instructions are shown at the beginning of the story mode, hopefully now they’ll be read by newcomers
You know that issue when you’re not in range to connect an attack to a Putty, but they can hit you anyways? Gone.
Tommy (green version) now sports a black shirt. A bit more show accurate this way.
New sound effects for the zord battles, taken from The Fighting Edition on SNES
Whoosh sounds when attacking sound better now
That weird bug when you die as a Ranger and respawn unmorphed is gone.
Bosses now have a life bar.
A bit less bikers
Parachutin’ Putties
Added a couple more details in background of Youth Centre.
Lots more small fixes and tweaks here and there.