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Os Eternos estão acabando 😢😭 | The Eternals are ending 😢😭

son of a bitch judge stole brazil all of us brazilians hate you and he still hasn't called us fouls and he hasn't scored a penalty

82 seguidores obrigado | 82 followers thank you

I really want to cry I never saw Brazil be world champion

Acabei de criar um Reddit caso queiram me add meu perfil estará embaixo

In english:

I just created a Reddit if you want to add me my profile will be below

God of WhatsApp

Acabou a Luz na minha casa e na minha cidade e tbm teve enchente nela eu só consigo de lembrar uma coisa

Descanse em paz Gil Brother Away

R.I.P Gil Brother Away



Melhor trio do natal literalmente