Slendytubbies 3: Random Edition
5 months ago

Preguntas y respuestas./Questions and answers.

Spanish: Q: Esta cancelado el mod?

A:Perdi el interes en trabajar el mod y por problemas con mis padres decidi no continuar con discord (Odio hablar de discord) y su update.

Q: Continuaras el mod?

A: No por ahora no estoy confirmandolo solo que no esta en mis planes

Q: puedo ser tu amigo?

A: Si 1569847850 aƱademe en steam

Inglish: Q: Is the mod cancelled?

A: I lost interest in working on the mod and due to problems with my parents I decided not to continue with discord (I hate talking about discord) and its update.

Q: Will you continue the mod?

A: No for now I'm not confirming it just that it's not in my plans

Q: Can I be your friend?

A: Yes 1569847850 add me on steam



Next up

Quizas continue el mod con bendyliam... Quizas

New TV for all

Thanks KW (New map)

A little secret on a map

New map, 2Fort

FInaly, here is for all

The selection of maps. (Thanks CrisQP)

Tubby custard!

Guys, a video of the mod lmao