Ok so the remastered version the master version I’m attempting to learn 3d modeling and so far not too great I can create blocky versions but the problem is both the posing and well un blocking it so I have to learn to pose it and how to make the smoother models not just blocks and for the curious the remastered the program for the models is blender
Next up
updated map
it uses a toxin. a last resort.. the name was never given as the effects are to nightmare-like to truely be sumed up in a sentence
r.ed revamped
Nothing Huge just a Quick Revamp, Will post something better soon
blackout remodeled
Amethyst remodeled/first 3d appearance
G.rey revamped
B.lue revamped texturing
its foggy but not the kind you can breath
"its security at its finest! say goodbye to risk of murder or robbery" -HS