-Planet Drones!-
Dronenet is a Murder drones multiplayer fangame where you can roleplay, explore the map with other players, fight other players or chill with other drones. In this fangame, you have maps and characters from every episode from the original series of "Murder Drones".
To start, the title screen could look like this:

(Blue BG is a placeholder by the way)
In this very early title concept, you can press start by pressing ENTER and start logging in the game.

This is the log in screen, nothing really special here. You can also edit your PROFILE after logging in. In the profile, you can have your own bio of max 100 words. Everyone would be able to see it in the overworld and in the DRONENET.
Dronenet is a small app you can find in your CELL or INTERNAL APPLICATIONS. In here, you can see other people's profile, chat with them, and see their art. You can also do your own art and create Original Characters.
Concept idea of the Dronenet:

As you see, Dronenet is phone size like. There's a small history chat of the previous messages sent (like a global chat, but it shows only very recent messages). As you see, when your ping someone, the name goes green, showing the difference beetween the username and message With the grey search bar, you can find people's profile and OCs, too! You can also see a square in the top right corner of the screen: that's your Profile icon! It represents the character you're using.
OC creator
Oc creator has a lot of options: First of all, you can make your drone a Disassembly Drone, a Worker drone, or a Human.
Disassembly Drones
Disassembly drones can have eyes, hair and acid changed to any color. Hair has a lot of types too!
There are clothes from the original show, but there can be custom ones.
Disassembly drones can also decide wich type of feet they have, normal feet or triangolar feet. Shoes can be selected instead if there are no feet type selected.
Worker drones (D. drones but with extra steps)
Note: They have the same base stuff for hair, eyes, and clothes.
Worker drones can decide to either to be a zombie drone or a normal worker drone. They'd be the same in look, but they have the zombie wings and tail.
Worker drones can also have their own customizable rooms and have roommates from 2 to 10 people at maximum.
Worker drones, like Disassembly drones, can have alternate outfits like for proms or camping.
The skin system is very simple, actually. After logging in, you can select any character from the original show or your OCs.
This is the 1st section, the worker drones:

Here's the 2nd section, the disassembly drones:

The small arrow you see is a small cursor, nothing special. If you have made some OCs, a 3rd section will happer with them inside.
When a player spawns with any character, they'll have their username over the character. Players can move with the arrow keys, but WASD can be selected in the CELL INTERNAL APPLICATIONS. Players can have nametag badges; there are some that are admin only tho.

As you see in this concept, there are 5 nametags with different colors. 4 nametags for normal players, but admins & owner will have the solver one in the bottom. Colors can be decided for the nametag. As an example: the skull but grey, the X eyes but red, and so on. Any color can be chosen, too!
You might've seen this before, it's a small redone version of a concept I did a few months ago. This concept is very ispired by the rpg game UNDERTALE. You have 3 options to choose from: ITEMS, STATS, and DRONENET.

ITEMS will only display what you have in your inventory. STATS will show you your stats and state of your character rp-wise; like Unstable
means the hp is down and is getting possesed by the absolute solver. DRONET sends you to the dronenet we talked about before, nothing really special.
Geez, that sure was a ton of stuff for just a CONCEPT IDEA
. Well, I'll explain more stuff another time. What do you think of this concept idea?