Hi everyone !
First of all many thanks to those of you who tried out the original Tube Craft.
Right now I don’t have a lot of time to work on games.
I still need to finish my platformer “Super Glovekid”, but in the meantime I decided to try and improve the 3D effect used in the original Tube Craft.
The original game is quite old and has poor programming.
Thanks to my improved coding skills and some interesting math, I was able to create a much better 3D effect, this time using textures and not just polygons :

Keep in mind that the textures here are placeholders and for testing purposes only.
You might have noticed that the resolution is smaller (320x240) than the original game. That’s intentional. On top of improving performance, it gives the game a low-poly 3D kind of look (think of the PS1 or the Sega Saturn), which is what I’m trying to achieve.
Right now the game doesn’t use any 3D function : it uses stretched sprites instead.
This is only a test so far but I do have a couple of ideas for a potential Tube Craft sequel using this effect :
Adding a “grand prix” mode (the original only had time attack)
Multiple racers on the track (probably no online mode, maybe local multiplayer)
Better level design
Better level editor, allowing players to use their own textures in their tracks
More level design elements (pillars, possibly reverse gravity segments a.s.o)
I’m also thinking of a custom vehicle creator but that might be a bit too ambitious
What do you think ?
Would you like to see a Tube Craft sequel like this ?
I’m looking forward to hearing you impressions !
Flytrap Studios