Super Skelemania
6 years ago

Price Reduction and Console Release

Super Skelemania is being ported to Xbox One, PS4, and Switch! These ports will be the same as the PC version, with some minor tweaks and improvements. Their release dates have not been announced yet, but it should be sometime this year.

Super Skelemania is also getting a permanent price reduction to coincide with these console ports. Starting today, all versions of Super Skelemania will cost $4.99 (down from $9.99).

Reducing the price like this is a challenging thing to do, as it can make early buyers feel cheated. I’m genuinely sorry that it has to be this way, but it had to be done for the sake of the ports. I would like to genuinely thank everyone that’s bought the game at its previous full price, and everyone that’s bought and enjoyed the game in general. Your support has been much appreciated.

As a gentle reminder, if you enjoyed Super Skelemania and haven’t already reviewed the game, please consider doing so. Reaching 50 reviews would be a very big milestone for the game, even this late in its lifespan.

Thank you again,



Next up

I don't normally post here, but I'm announcing a new game! It's called 9 Till Void and it has a GameJolt devlog which you should follow!


Menu system of the future! #Nojong

Super Skelemania - Danger

Spirits of the Ancient Oak

Some awesome fanart from Zyalin!

Hello Skelemaniacs! No skele-related news, but I did just release a free demo of my new game today! It's a weird roguelike about casting spells. It's fun!

Reminder: Demo and Greenlight launches in 3 Days! What the title says! Also, check out the slick new title we have for the game. See you on the 30th!

Who turned out the lights?

Wonder if anyone can guess what kinda game I'm working on right now with this GameJolt session data as the only clue. I bet someone can sleuth it out!