Roblox's Party Store
1 year ago

Probably gonna revamp the gamepage due to the fact that i can do better, specially when i'm not lazy

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Next up

Beta flashlight system (in w.i.p.)


The Roblox's Party Store's map!

(The asset can be replaced with another one, so nothing really guarantee that this map will be present in the final game.)

Game's dev progression in Clickteam is slow rn cuz of me planning stuff and modeling, but theres smt in W.I.P. after a time

Plans and devlog

📃 New Update!

> Office obviously still in W.I.P. but theres actually some progress from the other showcase video i posted:

Camera system is finished, now i have to finish modeling and rendering all of them gg

Sneak gameplay mainly to show the CPU Usage and the Sound Box system.

U probably won't understand nothing watching this but anyways...


(my OBS Studio isn't properly configured, so the video looks blurry here and stuff like the computer frame looks a bit offset, but it's alright ingame.)

W.I.P. Office:

Video testing the projection effect, gotta finish modeling stuff.

Bro this pc in the game is a bomb wth

CPU Usage sneakpeak.