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Priyte Adventure's Scratch Thumbnail.
My take on Tails' section in Triple Trouble.
all assets in the video belong to Vs. Sonic.exe.
do you like the remaster?
Wip remix of Sandopolis Act 1 for a Sonic 3 AIR music mod im doing
hoHO Im santA did uu watch Bad sAntA/????? cuz THATS meH!!!!! hOhoho
new leak: this sprite is temporary
just now decided to publish this page. the project is still heavily unfinished but i would still like to share progress ive made! here is an original track i made specifically for lava reef act 2's boss.
Dilemma v2 teaser with new sprites. Millie sprites done by shey_pancake on Twitter.
#FaveFNAFMerch best roxanne plush