Hello! I just wanted to make a quick update of the progress on SNaC. Its going fine but unfortunately I still don’t have CTF…yeah… Well so far I have gotten these things done:
Endoskeleton #1 (Need to rig)
Endoskeleton #2 (Need to rig)
Brianna (Need to rig)
Carry (Need to rig)
ShowMaster (Only one fully done)
The office (Need to add images to posters)
Stage 1
Hallway 1 & 2 (Need to add images to posters)
Parts and Serves (Just need to add, you guessed it, Images to posters)
Progress is defiantly far from adequate to make a simple little basic DEMO but I am working… Very slowly but working.
Be sure to wait for the next teaser (leak):
5 Little monkeys jumping on the bed…
One fell off an broke his head…
One last thing: I am creating costume sounds and jump scares (along with a lot of original mechanics.) This game will hopefully scare your socks off.
Speaking of that please check out the game!: