Sooooo, The monsters turn? Nope! None of that.
Ok, so fighting works, and even has a sweet little animation, too.
As for the random text, It works. Really well. Theres a customizable list that you can edit to customize the text. And its really easy to edit the starting text, as well.
As for acting, I copied the ideas from Unitale/CYF.
Theres a list of ACTs possible. Only 6 maximum ACTs, or the game will go error screen.
When an ACT is chosen, It will broadcast a event. And it will set the command variable to whatever ACT was picked.
So, at the ACT Chosen event, We can add a if, else, and lots of elseifs to find out whatever ACT is being picked and act accordingly. Very nice Strat.
For the ITEMs, It litearaly ACTS the same as ACTs.
...get it?
Continuing on before everyone leaves me because of how bad my jokes are, The only change is that theres 8 max items, and it removes the items from the list when they are used.
As for mercy, Pretty simple. Theres just two options, Mercy or Flee. Flee is disabled if Canflee is set to false in the monster sprite. Mercy is yellow and will work if CanSpare is set to true. If not then mercy will skip your turn. Theres something special with flee though...
Theres a Flee Difficulty variable in the monster sprite.
0 Means you will always flee.
1 Means theres a 1/2 chance.
2 Means theres a 1/3 chance.
3 Means theres a 1/4 chance.
I think you see the pattern.
Anyway, The same thing with the boxes (or charas) random dialouge is used for the monster. However its only set at the start of your turn. So if you made an ACT or ITEM (or just any event in general that happens after your turn begins) set the monster text variable..Then the old text will be overwritten.
As for the monsters turn right now...Well, here goes nothing..
..Thats right, Its litearaly nothing.
Ya hit Z and your turn starts. Nice.
I think thats it for this article as its getting pretty long. Oh yeah before you ask if you hit X to cancel out of the ACT, ITEM or MERCY menus, the dialogue the narrator/chara originally spoke is still spoke. It doesnt change once cancelling.