
3 years ago

Progress Report - Birthday 2022









Heya, it's been a little bit. We've kinda just been chilling back for the most part this year. Not even gonna pull any excuses.

This progress report was supposed to come out a month ago, but things have just been moving slow.

It's a little embarrassing to still not have a DEMO out after all these years. We probably look like the Friday Night Funkin' devs right now, lol.

Don't worry though. This little mod's still living rent-free in our heads. Every week is a new idea, another discussion.

We spent a LOT of time over the last few months looking over everything we had from Chapter 1 and 2, building on details and refining them.

It's unclear when we'll stop coming up with these crazy plot points, characters, and gameplay ideas, but the vision is becoming tighter and more polished.

Here are the main things we worked on writing-wise:

  • Ralsei's new LEGEND and VALLEY lore

  • JEVIL and SEAM personalities and lore

  • Turquoise Woods cutscenes and minigames

  • Chapter 2 alternate route

This game is silly, epic, sometimes scary. We're trying to keep things mostly close to how Toby would write these characters.

There will be a LOT of things you'd never expect though. New takes on familiar characters that will reinvent the way you look at them.

We're saving a lot of the reveals until after the DEMO releases, but luckily we finally have something IN-GAME to show you!

This should give you a taste of how RALSEI... er, DARK PRINCE will be in this chapter. Not so traditional for a swap take, huh?

We hope you enjoy the full version of the LEGEND once it appears in the DEMO.

It's scenes like these which make the game so exciting to make, though making everything feel right can be an exhausting process.

There's still a ton of dialogue to write for this part of the game, so we're taking our time with it.


... uh, dialogue shown here not final.



Another good chunk of dev time was spent on reworking some of the character designs. Most of those we haven't actually revealed yet however.

You'll surely notice differences in a few of the characters already shown. It felt like a good time to finally iron out kinks from the old era of TFG.

As time both passed and the sprite art improved, we realized something important about the style. Sometimes it just needs to look crappy.

Not crappy in the "these sprites really suck" kind of way, but in a way that reflects that Toby Fox charm. We loosened up on trying to make things look high-quality or unique.

That's not to say we want the game to look like absolute garbage, but what mostly matters to us is the FEELING those sprites give you.

Keeping things closer to the DELTARUNE style not only helps make things less jarring, but it also makes modding easier too.


We've created a lot of cool concept art for the game. Some of that contains badass designs or just really funny moments in the game.

A couple months ago @JustTheMoon and @PrimaDrawz worked together to create a storyboard for the LEGEND, which is something we wanna release sometime in the future.


We also drew sketches for rooms, obstacles, bullets, character poses, a boat, and a whole bunch of other wacky stuff.


Perhaps one day we'll make some sort of digital artbook?



So here's the the chunk you probably wanna know about. What's going on with programming and Phase 2?

Well, obviously as you saw before, nearly half of the LEGEND scene has been implemented into the game. But that's not necessarily "gameplay".

There have been some efforts to set up playable Susie, and it DOES work! But there are still bugs that need to be fixed for that to work 100%.

Susie can't enter certain rooms without her collision colliding with room transitions, and party members straight up don't follow her correctly.

Once everything is fully working on that end (and Phase 1 is complete) we'll officially be able to start pumping out the DEMO.

The main reason it's taking us so long to get there though is basically scheduling issues. It always seems like everyone is too busy to give the mod their full attention.

LUCKILY, Summer is finally around the corner. That means most of us will have enough free time to start treating this like a full-time job through July and August.

Will we finally get somewhere after all these years? We'll just have to wait and see. There's no way we're gonna do another reboot.


Happy birthday to us! We're gonna keep working through this phase until the summer hits. HOPEFULLY WE'LL FINISH IT BY THEN.

Check out this new song by the way. Lol, see ya!

  • Team Fun Gang



Next up

Progress Report - Halloween 2021 (DELTARUNE's 3rd Anniversary)

Progress Report - Valentines Day 2022

Hey! We're still hiring!

noelle joined

Lancer's opinion on your Game Jolt Last Breathe game.

Wheel of Misfortune

Progress Report - May 2021 (Birthday!)

Progress Report - Christmas 2020


Progress Report - Christmas 2021