Bonnie Custom Night
1 day ago

Progress Report

Hello, it has been a while. For that I apologise, I have not had many interesting things to show.

But I would like you to know that progress on v1.1.0 is going well -- for a while development was stunted because I was re-rendering a lot of things to be higher quality for the Godot port.

I do not have much right now, but what I do have right now is, in my opinion, a lot nicer than before.

V1.1.0 is still on the way, and there are two more modes than the plan initially had due to my want to open up the game a bit more.

I hope you can forgive me for the lack of updates, but seeing as V1.1.0 is planned to be the final Bonnie Custom Night patch, I want it to be the best it can be when we can finally release it.

Thank you, and I hope you will continue to enjoy Bonnie Custom Night.



Next up

[Insert Title]

"Look Gang, A Christmas Tree!"

Well? What's up?

Toy Bonnie Maxing

Some-bunny Wants To Play . . .

And Now, He Walk