First progress update is here! Just to make everyone know that this game is not dead!
--Features update--
Overworld system is almost done.
Menu (Undone)
Saving (Undone)
Showing texts (Done)
Faces (Done)
Choose texts (Done)
Items (Have bugs)
Player moving (Done)
Room transition (Done)
Exsept features from original undertale, I added a new feature too, that is the main menu.
What you can do in main menu:
Resume game (Done)
Set game volume (Done)
Turn on or off music (Have bugs)
Set game resolution (Done)
Set auto-run (Done)
Quit game (Done)
Battle system working in progress.
Battle texts (Done)
Battle chatbox(Done)
HP and display HP bar (Done)
Battle buttons
Fight button (Have bugs)
Act button (Done)
Item button (Undone)
Mercy button (Have bugs)
Battle enemy animation(Undone)
Enemy can be killed (Undone)
Enemy can be spared (Undone)
Soul types
Red soul (Done)
Blue soul (Undone)
Green soul (Undone)
Purple soul (Undone)
Yellow soul (Undone)
Orange soul (Undone)
Cyan soul (Undone)
Bullet moving (Done).
HP falls when bullet hits soul (Done).
Game Over
Game Over when HP is equals or under zero.(Done)
Text showing (Have bugs)
Game crash when get item.
Main menu text out of box.
Music is still playing when you turn off music.
Enemy's health bar display wrongly.
"Spare" woudn't turn yellow then the enemy can be spared.
Game Over's text don't show when game over.
--Screenshots & GIFs--
Battle system preview
Main menu preview
(Text out of box bug)
Resolutions preview
(Text out of box bug)
Text preview
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