Project OHNO! (Alpha)
2 years ago

Project OHNO! Alpha 1.1.0 Release


  • Statistics now reload upon GameJolt login

  • Items now display their names

  • Story Mode has temporarily been replaced by an accessible Tutorial

  • Tutorial is functional, but not optimal, is to change later down the line

  • While an item description page is mentioned in the tutorial, it currently doesn't exsist, but soon will in a future version

  • Patched a bug where enemies wouldn't spawn on the bottom or right side of the screen, or would very rarely do so

-=Downloadable Now=-



Next up


early look at beta 1.0.0

watch on youtube:

also play alpha 1.4.0 now:

added crimes

hungry 3

Mr Tank

here's how many unreleased versions there are of the game. you can see how they get so much bigger each version, other than b8. b7 is larger than b8 because b7 was too big for turbowarp to handle so i had to delete a lot of stuff to continue dev with b8.

Welcome to Project OHNO, a 2D pixel shoot-em-up with a very limited color palette!

that was so close oml

1.4.0 is cancelled lol....

total remake is underway since the game corrupted!

99% of gamblers quit before the big win