We talked about the Collector's Edition of Vagrus in a previous post and now the time has come to reveal the Emperor's Edition! With all the elements that come in the box having arrived and being prepared for shipping, we can show them off, starting with one of the stars of the show: the Finndurarth miniature.
![emp-boxing2.webp emp-boxing2.webp](https://m.gjcdn.net/content/750/10234492-eh7hhier-v4.webp)
Alright, the mini is actually in the box, safely tucked in plastic beads, awaiting assembly and (hopefully) a paint-job. We also wanted to include a minimalist assembly guide and some information regarding how to handle the mini (above).
Next up is what we are the most proud of: the Art of Vagrus. This artbook is not the same as the booklet that comes with the Collector's Edition. This one is a 120 pager with lore blurbs and in-world quotes accompanying most of the pages of fantastic Vagrus art. All this is wrapped in a beautiful dust jacket.
![emp-boxing3.webp emp-boxing3.webp](https://m.gjcdn.net/content/750/10234494-ietmugpx-v4.webp)
Peeking inside, we first get to the World section that has wonderful environment art from most of the regions and locations of the game in thematic order.
![emp-boxing4.webp emp-boxing4.webp](https://m.gjcdn.net/content/750/10234495-qp2pfwdb-v4.webp)
Then we get to character art in the section called Foes and Allies. Here you can find all sorts of beasts, abominations, Undead, nomads, Imperials, and so on, grouped together based on type or culture.
![emp-boxing5.webp emp-boxing5.webp](https://m.gjcdn.net/content/750/10234498-yh5jzvzy-v4.webp)
Finally, we get to Factions, where a short introduction of each in-game faction follows, complete with their signature banners and the portraits of their leaders.
![emp-boxing6.webp emp-boxing6.webp](https://m.gjcdn.net/content/750/10234502-n5jxuyfw-v4.webp)
Also packed into the Emperor's Edition is the huge cloth map of the continent of Xeryn that we've discussed in a previous post, as well as a bunch of digital good keys, including the game, its OST, a DLC pass, the Patron Pack digital goodies, and an exclusive banner you can unlock in-game.
![emp-boxing7.webp emp-boxing7.webp](https://m.gjcdn.net/content/750/10234512-q2xuei2h-v4.webp)
The team is really proud of how the physical editions of Vagrus turned out and having worked a lot on them, we hope that their owners will feel that they get something really special. As always, let us know what you think and thank you for making all this possible!
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