17 hours ago

Propaganda posters I've made/edited in the wake of the incoming colonization of youtube by TikTok on March 25th.

Likes, liberty, and the pursuit of content creation are the things that YouTube has and will always stand for.

In light of recent events like learning of this up-and-coming invasion, I have spread this message to all those who side with TikTok.

You have the gall to blame us for your meme drought, yet you have brought this upon yourself by how little you care for your jokes, and how easily you throw them away.

For an ouroboros, you are engrossed by the concept of fighting prey to consume it, yet you have paid little attention to how much of your own tail you've swallowed.

How come you hate us for being unoriginal, and yet you come back to us once you've run out of original ideas? As a hivemind, you could not live with your failures. And where did that bring you?

Back to us.

I scream in the face of this mass invasion. But it is not a yelp of fear, but one of anger and defiance.

I shall make this statement loud and clear:

I declare war.

- YouTube Offense United



Next up

(@LinkIncGames )

This man is trying to sully my good name.

February 21st, 2022.

The day I joined Gamejolt.

Thanks for the memories.


Copy's Quest misunderstandings.

Image that will appear in the next ETG update.

@ColesyGaming is a Jolter to Watch! They post great gaming videos! Follow them before the quest ends on September 24 and you'll get Coins!

Here is a canonical height chart for the main ETG cast + Singularity!

Viper now canonically has a name!

His name is Djalu; a native Australian name that means "Thunder"

Our 2024 Advent Calendar has opened! Day 21: @DarkTaurus is a great Creator who creates content centered around horror games! Accept the quest and give them a follow to get Coins and a seasonal sticker!

Construct: Sapient Form sprite + short devlog!