Kaio's Nights

2 years ago

PTBR: Hm? O que é isso?

ENGLISH: Huh? What is that?

Spoiler: AR Workshop.



Next up

EN:Hi People! First of all:Merry Christmas antecipated! I am very grateful for the 68followers,it is insane to know that there are people who have been following my project for a while,so I brought these 2 concept to the game (KN will only return in 2025)

Taking advantage of the fact that I'm celebrating 5 years here, I came to announce that I'm redoing a project that gave rise to Kaio's Nights :) (read the article)

Happy Birthday for me!!!!!! Feliz Aniversario pra mim!!!!


ENG: Expectations: Demo to be released in December

Reality: End of December or beginning of January. PTBR: Expectativas: Demo sair em Dezembro

Realidade: Final de Dezembro ou Inicio de Janeiro.

Rat Race Production Update

PTBR: Tendo um otimo progresso em relação com a arte do jogo! :) English: Making great progress on the game's art! :) (Translation of the newspaper in the article)

Ai que legal, completei 5 anos na Gamejolt!!!! What a cool thing! I completed 5 years at Gamejolt!!!!

''Could someone be at my window?''

Feliz dia das Mulheres!!!!