Here's a few of our questions we constantly get asked about.
Is Jonathan jewish?
Yes! He was actually born in a jewish family. Despite the fact he doesn't see his parents anymore, he is still a proud jewish person!
What does Imasu look like without his mask?
He actually looks like this!
Why are you in my front door?
You possibly still haven't played JA Bickery Edition, go. Do it.
When is the game gonna come out?
Please don't ask me this.
Is there gonna be merch?
Yes, only for a limited time though, here is a preview of what we have in store. @BickerySebastian kindly designed this for a poster! Sadly every store is still denying what we have to sell, hopefully you will get to see them soon.
What do you think of Sebastian?
blushes and hides his face from excitement HE IS SO PRETTY!!
What happened to Denis?
He unfortunately passed away last week, his final wishes were "I want diapers.. They're so- HOT!".
Why are you doing this? Stop it. This isn't funny
I want my mommy!
That's all the questions, if you have something that didn't appear here, please tell my wife I love her.
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