5 years ago

Question 4 part 2

I recomend you to read part 1 first ;)



Sonic: That's an awesome memory. How old did we met 14? 13? 15?

Pikachu: Might be 14..

Sonic: Yeah. I'm getting old. I don't even remember how old did we met!

Pikachu: *giggles* Hey! You're only 15!

Sonic: Hehe..

Pikachu: I was freaking out when our face were really close that time...

Sonic: Want me to do it again~?

Pikachu: N-not n-now...w-we're i-infront o-of the audience..

Sonic: Hehe..alright then~

Pikachu: *in her mind* That tone always freaks me out...*out loud* So uh..shall we talk about how we met in Classic generation?

Sonic; Oh yeah sure!


A female blue hedgehog were running away in the rain. While 3 mobians were chasing her. She then reached at a dead end. The 3 mobians then crowded her. They were older than her. They then started to bully her. Again.

Everyday is always the same...

But that day, everything changed

The female can't take it anymore. She had been bullied enough. They then laughed at her "SUCH A WEAK HEDGEHOG" One of them yelled. And another said, "WHERE'S YOUR VOICE? OH THAT'S RIGHT, YOU DON'T HAVE ANY! All 3 of them starts laughing really hard. That sentence really hurted her. "HAHAHA! NO ONE LOVES- OOF!" The third one didn't get to finish his sentence. Something hitted him. It was suddenly quiet. The girl was scared it that "thing"will hurt her too

Then, she felt someone touched her hands that was hiding her face, she opened her eyes and saw a hedgehg with the same colour of her fur and his pupils were black and he was holding flower and handing them to her. I took it. He then smiled at the female. She couldn't talk. She went and hugged him as a thanks.

While the male were blushing alittle. They then hung out with each other. They learned each others name. The female is Pikachu while the male is Sonic. They even met a kitsune fox who have two tails. His name was Tails. He even follow on their journeys. And all 3 of them lived with eachother in a small house.


Sonic: ah..the memories..

Pikachu: It was sweet of you to give me the flower*smiles*.

Sonic: Hehe..no biggie! I was on a run when suddenly I heard someone crying. In fact, *pulls out a flower* For you *winks*

Pikachu: T-thank y-you *blushes*. Wait, this is the same flower that you gave me when we met.

Sonic: Hehe..

Pikachu: Well, thank you @Son1cgam3r1 for the question! We see ya next time! Bye!



*Extra ending* :)

Sonic: I'm still wondering why Pikachu said "don't look at my profile.." i'm gonna see it anyways

*types "Pikachu The Hedgehog" in the search bar and clicks TAPS Pikachu's account.*

Sonic: Huh..it's just oka-

*He saw a pic of Amy wearing a Sonic hoodie*

Sonic: ...*speechless* Next...WHAT THE?!

*Saw an image of Amy kissing Sonic on his forehead (i guess xD)*

Sonic: What's up with Amy?! But most importantly, what's up with me?! It looks like, *Zooms into his face in the picture* What am I, enjoying it?!

*and the last picture really shocked Sonic*

*the text of the post,*


Sonic: HECK NOO!! *closes his phone and went to sleep*

*but he can't sleep because having nightmares of those*

1 comment


Next up

Working on something my younger self would love to have! :)

Something unfinished for #WorldArtDay


its been awhile since i drew her

also its her first time in sonic x style :D

Crystal The Hedgehog - @PikachuTheHedgehog

A little confession is that I had to trace the wolves but I drew the others on my own 🙏🙏

Nebula The Hedgehog - @PikachuTheHedgehog

I’m obsessed

Also I just noticed I haven’t drew Pika in awhile so here’s her comeback

Almost finish with a wip!

I need to stop cause it’s getting late and I ran out of ideas for a background jsjsjs

Me and @PikachuTheHedgehog has made another name for William Afton!


“Indahnya sungguh di hari Raya”

Late Raya art trade with @Al_creativelylazy !! Really sorry for doing my part late -

I literally whipped up the bg from Google