
5 years ago

Quick progress update!

Because of the Corona virus outbreak, there wasn't much progress put into the game. So, I'll list here some of the plans I have for the next update!

Things to do:
Rework the stats system
Add animals

Improve how the inventory system is managed and how it looks.
Add an option to modify the dialog speed.

Things in development:
Add 5 new characters that the player can chose before starting a game.
Add animations during battle
Rework the magic menu that is used during battle.

Enemy Toads sometimes deal 0 damage.
Entering the house in krigonia's landfield makes the player teleport to a wall and they get stuck there.
Megy (NPC, Krigonia Forest 1-3) does not let you finish the quest.
Reik (Krigonia's Landfield) does not let you finish the quest.
Player's max hp not updating in case an item with bonus stats is unequipped.
Leveling up plays the incorrect sound.

I will drop an update really soon to hotfix all these bugs. Stay tuned!



Next up

Nestronomus Alpha 0.8.14 will bring more quality of life changes!

Hey everyone! It's been a while!

Back in action

Hey! Took a break for work and studies, but I developed up a project called "dark" for an exam.

The project itself is finished for the exam, but got kinda attached. I'll probably keep tinkering with it. It's named "Shadow Touched".

Made some great progress today! Enemies can apply debuffs to the player or they can buff their allies!

Also, the player can now see their current buff and debuff under their character's feet.

News about Nestronomus!

Welcome to my page! Currently developing a RPG oriented type of game in Unity! (Current name is TS2020RPG) Stay tuned for future updates!

New update! Version: Alpha 0.5.0

Nestronomus Alpha 0.8.14 will bring more quality of life changes!

A few great changes are coming on version alpha 0.8.13!

Second update of Nestronomus, Alpha 0.5.0. Give the game a try and let me know what you think!