I went into the Indies vs Gamers jam without an idea. After opening up GameMaker: Studio at midnight Friday, I drew a ball… that ball soon evolved into jacksepticeye (fitting, I suppose). At some point I drew a cactus, and that’s how this game got its desert setting.
A lot of brainstorming went on after discussing some stuff with a pal of mine which gave me a better view of the direction I wanted to take this game. The more I worked on it, the more ideas kept coming, but unfortunately I was unable to add all of the ideas in because I am a slow developer.
What we have here after 72 hours is a playable shell of what I wanted the game to be. I wanted more enemies, more items, more features… I wanted Septic Eye Sam and Tiny Box Tim to have a purpose in the game, but the 72 hours just wasn’t enough for me to implement them; they’re still there, they’re just pointless at the moment.
I might continue development of this after the voting period is over, though I don’t know. If not continue on this, I might take the idea and mould it into something else entirely, who knows. For now, though I’m taking a break; I need to catch up with life again as most of the past 72 hours have had my nose shoved into my laptop screen. I’ve also got to record some videos for YouTube again as I’m a bit behind, so maybe I’ll do some videos of other Indies vs Gamers entries!
But yeah, I guess that just about sums up my thoughts after the jam.