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Construct: Ursa Form + New song completed!
Listen to "Survivors Guilt" on the game page today!
Viper now canonically has a name!
His name is Djalu; a native Australian name that means "Thunder"
Here is a canonical height chart for the main ETG cast + Singularity!
Bro is NOT helping 💀
2 years ago, at the time of writing this, I made a little game called TRIBAL.
The first enemy I ever made for the game was the Raptor, based off of Utahraptor Ostrommaysi.
After so long, I decided to remake it with my current sprite art experience.
On 2/22/2025, the 5th RPG Maker Games were held.
And... in all honesty, I wanted to do something different.
Instead of giving you the cast and various moments of the games, here is instead an AMV of the song "No Longer You" from EPIC.
Construct: Sapient Form sprite + short devlog!