3 months ago

Ramiz and Friends is on its way to pioneer new restrooms



Next up

This is the original design document for FFP:M. Whoever that has played the game should know how little of those ideas made it to the final game.

In the meantime, the work on my next game and video has begun.

@Wester release date?

I just pressed Alt + Enter in a fan-game and unlocked Night 6 (I was at night 1)

Edit: Pressed Alt + Enter again and unlocked Custom Night.

amethyst's crazy game's game page is out:


Tribute to when I was featured in TRTF 2 Rebuilt

Still messing around with shaders (I Miss Betty is not my next project's title, it's a made up one).

Happy 5th birthday, FFP:M!

Over 800 pages of horror.

I think things are going well for my video