So in ONWYN 3, when I saw Tormented Fredbear for the very first time (through a gameplay video cause there were no android ports for the game at the time), something always stuck out to me,

that purple dot that is under his left eye, nowadays, it's easy to tell that it's a hanging eyeball, but for me, it took me a painfully long time to realize this (YEARS TO BE EXACT), even after the game was reuploaded on the archive page, it still took me so long to notice that it was an eye, everytime I saw that eye, I was constantly feeling like "wtf am I looking at?!?!?" and eventually, I just believed that maybe it was a random photoshop error that Red Rabbit made while photoshopping Toy Freddy's office render, and I believed that for a long time, until eventually, when I finally got to play the game through a fan made port (one of @LorenStudio 's old ONWYN 3 ports I think), when looking at the extras, I noticed that teeny little wire that is right above the purple dot,

and that's when I finally realized it, that purple dot was no photoshop error, it was an eye that was hanging out of his socket, IT TOOK ME LIKE YEARS TO REALIZE THAT A PURPLE DOT ON A PHOTOSHOPPED TOY FREDDY RENDER FROM FNAF 2 WAS AN EYE SIMPLY BECAUSE I NEVER NOTICED A SMALL WIRE ABOVE IT!!!!!!
Anyways that's it lol, goodbye and Happy Pride Month!