11 months ago

Random Garren'tt themed rant:

|Random Opening Rant: I have started to move Garren'tt away from GFAG as I feel that the more he ISN'T Garrett the better. That being said he is and always will be a Garrett clone like Parent.|

|Pun: Okay on to the MEAT of this rant now!!|

|Lore?: Garren'tt as you most likely know at this point was made to replace Garrett in the fnf song called: Rabid Animal, this has basically been a base for his whole character ever since his more sad nonhuman recolor days aka when I first made him. Anyhow-|

|Office Bio: "Meat Garren'tt!! This dude didn't build the FUNHOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And we love him for that, though he is pretty lazy. Go ahead and talk to him, he doesn't bite... for the most part!!!!!!!" Yeah this is a GFAG styled bio.|

|This Bros Fit: Garren'tt is about is basic as it gets, being 6'0 and wearing a blue long sleeve, large blue shoulder pads, pink baggy pajama pants, and some dark green shoes with gray souls. Now it really kicks up at his face and neck! In which his face and neck have his signature black Muzzle and Collar! ...with added Leash to make sure he doesn't get to ferocious. Maybe he won't bite after all?|

|Personally 1: You'd likely think this chap has about the same personally as Garrett right? Well no, he is pretty darn different if I say so myself. His (non-rabid) personally being pretty Boring, Flat, and overall Sad yet Chill person to be around. Now his two other personalities are a different story.|

|Personally 2: When half rabid his personally reflects a much more annoyed and aggravated character, this usually being when Trainspoortotion Insspetoor (Garren'tt's husband) steps in to stop him from reaching his third stage? personally? I'll go with personally. I think you can make out what the leash is used for now.|

|Personally 3: Garren'tt's last main personally being fully rabid (or I guess you could call it feral but nah I'll stay with rabid for now), in this rabid state Garren'tt's brain basically blanks leaving him in a lost and very angry state of confusion, usually he soon starts going after anyone he sees with the soul intent of ripping them apart. I think you can start to fully understand why he has the muzzle now.|

|Other: Age 19 (old man), Gay (hi homo), has Insomnia (no sleepy time for you).|

|Garren'tt shipping: Go ahead and knock yourself out! I love seeing all the fucked up shit people make out of my stuff!|

|Closing Rant: And uhh yeah... I like Garren'tt. Garren'tt probably doesn't like you and I hate everyone who uhh... idk I hate you I guess- Anyways bye!!!|

|Note: Also this was made at 4:30 AM so yeah it probably sucks lmao. I might remake as a (Head)canon post at some point, like I made for Parent.|

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repost beuacue i put it in the worng relembb #BadArtChallenge

Epic (Mario) says; happirit ma10r dy!!!!!!11

fredrick if he stopped fucking around

i dont know what it is but 3dmm parent is so funny looking to me

sugary and model vs unnamed banana oc (coming never)

The first 30 seonds of Marketland but sung by Miracle Machine/Weird Al THIS TOOK LIKE OVER 2 HOURS AND IT ISNT EVEN GOOD OML

funny haha bday related projectmkvbghok././/..,.



I thought I'd at least finish the first minute of this this cover just for the hell of it,.,.,. anyways enjoy my poor editing and voice-mixing Context incase you didnt see the first post; Weird Al/Miracle Machine sings Marketland by Lemon Demon or smth