2 years ago

Random-Island ~ Violetta Mayeflowe: Character Sheet




Violetta Mayeflowe: (Part 1~ Bio)  


(Violet) This is Violet, the lovely walking frolicking flower who loves to get attention and thinks about herself a lot, the diva that likes things to go her way, even if she has to do it herself. She also likes to act like a star and likes to act lovey-dovey to anyone. Though, she’s a kind soul that likes to help people, and the fact she cares for her twin sister Rosie. They’re like a duo, like Mario and Luigi, Spongebob and Patrick, Ami and Yumi, you get it. She also doesn’t back down to any problem or issue, when she comes face to face with someone trying to start a fight, she always finishes it. This lady is not someone to mess around with!

 Full Name ~ Violetta Mayeflowe 

Nicknames ~ Violet, Vie

 Species ~ Roseliann(A Flower species with Stretchy powers, can form any face, can make portals, attractiveness Aroma) 

Personality ~ (Violet) Nice, Generous, Flaunty, Lovey-Dovey, Sassy, Flirty, Kind-Hearted

Age ~ 20

Birthday ~ May 5th

Sexuality ~ Aroflux

Height ~ 5.7'6"

Race ~ Latino/Mexican

Gender ~ Female

Pronouns ~ She, Her

HeadCannon Voice ~ (Violet) Elsie Lovelock (A mix between Lila from Spooky Month, and Uzi from Murder Drones)

Class ~ Sōzōmani

Art Style ~ Mickey Mouse Cartoons/Paper Mario 

Inspired By/Based on ~ Minnie Mouse(Mickey Mouse Cartoons), Flowey (Undertale), Cagney Carnation (Cuphead), Sunflower (PVZ), Crazee dayzee(Paper Mario), The Collector (Owl House), Spinel (Steven Universe)


Birthplace ~ Monte City, Green Gen/Emerald World

Class ~ Sōzōmani

Occupation ~ SuperNatural

Status ~ Alive


  • Portals ( uses their hands to form a circle to make a portal)

  • Elasticity (Their limbs can stretch out far and wide. They can also grow them and make them smaller)

  • From-Shifting (They can change into any forms they like, mostly when they get angry or when  they encounter an enemy)

  • Aroma-Attraction ( They start glowing sparkling pink, and they don’t just use it to not just distract their enemies, when they show emotion to another partner, such as shyness)

  • Limb decapitation (They are able to take their limbs of without feeling pain)

  • Heavenly-Voice (They have beautiful voices to charm, entertain, sing and to tame any species and creatures of any kinds)

  • Healing (They put both hands on the wound, then both the hands and the wound start to glow)

  • Floating (When They fall, they sometimes start to float. Their petals and leaf start glowing For girls, their grass skirt grows longer and starts spinning. )

  • Glowing Petals and Roses (...Yeah, they just have that power for some reason. So when their in a dark area like a cave or in another dark area, the petals and their color palette parts that aren’t green tend to glow in the dark… )



Next up

Data Corrupted


(Mario Madness ~ Rachi-Rode-Hills Mix)

Imposter Mayhem

P.S. Remember The Spider-Man Meme? No?

FYI For those who are new to this or are wondering, the other Violet/Murasakira and Rosies/Akuhina the current Violet and Rosie are fighting, they're previous look/models for them!


Here is the redesigned cover for my sticker pack!

SteamBoat Rosie


The Twins React to Steamboat Rosie


hits you with a unicorn and runs away

One Year In This Digital Realm! (Happy One Year Anniversary TDAC)