Random meems i saved yesterday
I found all of these in Google while i was searching "People who don't know | People who know" memes
Next up
Me talking to myself part ??
Read the article because it's really really important
Just to remind you that the drawing i made on the post below is based on this image
Just updated my black list
In case you don't know some stuff in that block list, i just made these arrows to inform you on what they're associated with
.... ... .
And there comes the NeoDrivers S2 introduction sheets!! :D
It took me sooo long to make this
But it was worth it tho
Some meems i found on Google
The first picture was while i was searching for Formula 1 comics, and the rest is just because i was searching for some "When wifi drops by 1 bar" memes because my wifi keeps dropping
Read all of this tho. It's something really important
Guess what project i'm gonna work on when it comes to Pride Month this year!
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