Strange Terror From Beyond The Stars!
4 years ago

Rare Monster Icon Hotfix!

Just a quick patch to fix the rare monster icons not appearing for players who unlocked the rare monsters within the monster list. If you played V1.6, deleting game will, y'know delete your save file with it unfortunately, lol. I think it's actually possible to locate and copy over your save from the older version, but the achievements are like, super easy to get so it's probably not that big of a deal tbh.

Fixed: A bug where the rare monster icons weren't appearing in the monster list after unlocking them.



Next up

I wish porkchop was real. :(


Vex Clock is OUT NOW on STEAM!

Done did it (aha, funny game reference) and got my new PC set up. Mostly transferred all my files now. Super excited to get back to work on this speedyer set up!

Vex Clock is releasing on Steam in less than 24 Hours! Super nervous and excited. Hope people will dig what I've been building up these last three years

Over time the cast of Vex Clock went from being one dimensional to fully fleshed out characters with their own flaws and aspirations. Very happy in the long run that I took as long as I did to finish the game and develop their stories!

My Game of the Year would go to the Silent Hill 2 Remake, personally! Really upset it won nothing during the Game Awards tho. Still grumbling about it.


Vex Clock's Newest Trailer + Release Date!

Some Good News On Vex Clock's Development!

Last week I took some time to work on more ambient tracks for Vex Clock, specifically ones that play during the water stage cutscenes!