2 years ago
Rate Digimon Frontier
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Now we have Timed Attacks back again. It's good that Timed Attacks have been used here as a cheap way to improve a battle system. Ask the Mario and Luigi Series for the reasons why it does.
That would be great news...
Loka's Bedroom, at least, for now.
Comment about Why do you like Video Games in General.
Pencilman Draws (https://www.instagram.com/pencilman_draws/, https://x.com/pencilman_draws, https://www.facebook.com/people/Pencilman_draws/100086599860676/) really knows to draw awesome stuff, like this drawing (https://www.instagram.com/pencilman_draws/p/C8XjljTuDAS/).
Elio Geppetto Melandri's Portrait, albeit, it's also a Full Body, despite being in a Party Member Picture Frame.
Do you remember Zalgo?