Ive decided to turn ratings off of the game for two reasons:
I’ve been recieving random 1 star ratings, but no increase or plays or downloads and no comment indicating what wasnt liked about the game. I am open to critique, but random hate just makes my game look bad. If you liked or disliked the game, please comment below and tell me and I’ll be happy to change or adjust whatever it is you tell me.
I realized the game is in a very early stage and that ratings are expected to be low due to the poor look of the game (my own critique, other critique is welcome!).
I really didnt want to have to turn off the ratings. Please, as whiny as this sounds, PLEASE comment down below your reason why you loved or hated the game! 1 stars, 2 stars, 3 stars, 4 stars or 5 stars were welcome, but as a game developer feedback is my #1 source of change in any game.
Thanks to those who did comment, and thanks to those who shared the game!!