Welcome to the first devlog to "Re-stored" a complete reboot to a old game of mine, "Five shifts at benny's." I'll be honest this game has been in development long before this devlog has been released, infact, the demo is practically done..except there isn't any proper visuals for the game and it will take a long time to make them, thats also the reason i don't have a game page up yet as i don't have anything to screenshot or showcase except placeholders. so i want to model all the animatronics and at least one area before i re-release the page, speaking of that..
The Story
Before i give a full synopsis on the game i think i should mention that in this universe only the classic era is canon(FNAF 1-6) and while some elements from help wanted are in this timeline they are very "translated" to say the least and the game itself isn't canon. The synopsis of this game is that after the fnaf 6 location closed down one "Jack Hudson" decides to pilfer the old "Berrybear's pizza" (a rival company to fazbear's) after it was abandoned due to a tragedy that occurred there, completely putting the place out of order. now in 2024 they've completely restored the animatronics to a functional state, its one week before the place is open and they've hired you to look over the place. But the animatronics wont be fully repaired till the weekend, a virus has taken over their system, and worst..you work the night shift.
The Gameplay
This game is most similar to fnaf 3, with the lure mechanic and system repair, but with power draining like fnaf 1. This game centers around being able to set priorities under stressful and sometimes conflicting situations. After every night if you do a well enough job you'll be granted a "Very berry deal" card giving you a item of your choice. i would go more in depth but i would rather wait until the game comes out and you all experience it for yourselves.
Art and Vibes
This game will have a very 80s nostalgic look, more-so then the classic FNAF Hexology. This games design is also inspired by early Disney channel bumpers, Mac tonight and the logo itself being partially inspired by the "Green veggie era" Nickelodeon logo. For the most part this game will be more surreal then scary(in terms of visuals) but i still believe that despite this the game will be a wonderful experience, which is really what im going for.
Progress Update
I haven't gotten far but i believe i will at least have a game page up by the end of this month as Benny is already 40% done has pictured at the top. I hope you follow me until then. You don't have too, it would just help motivate me and my journey, thanks for reading.