5 years ago

Read Article Before Voting!!!

So, I'm going to move the whole project over to Unity for higher performance and a scrolling map, along with good lighting and 3D models once I get a good enough computer. I also came up with a SCP-173 design I REALLY like, but it's going to have so many details that won't be visible in a top-down perspective, so, I'm considering making it a first-person SCP game; but I want your opinions. Please keep in mind, the 173 model I will be making is incredibly detailed and I want to show it off in its full glory rather than only the top of it's head.

Pros of Top-Down perspective:

-Added dimension makes game a bit more challenging.

-Adds unique features, such as being able to see through walls and doors.

Cons of Top-Down perspective:

-Unable to see 3D models in their entirety

-Less of a horror atmosphere than a First-Person perspective

-Less immersive

Pros of a First-Person perspective:

-Able to see and appreciate detailed models better

-Unable to see through doors, increasing the terror levels

-More immersive

-Lights affect gameplay more than a Top-Down perspective

-Runs better

Cons of a First-Person perspective:

-Makes the game more of a SCP: Containment Breach clone than it was with a Top-Down perspective, thus decreasing the amount of attention and praise it may get by a vast majority

  7 votes Voting finished

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d o w n l o a d i n g b o n e r

Got a new PC, game development has begun (sorry for the sideways pic)

guys! what should i add here

i'm really struggling to add something else here

Just discovered and I already hate what I've done

The Pac is back with a little change in his design

Development has started on SCP: Power outage! SCP: Power Outage is a top-down horror game made with Scratch! There is no set release date. I'll release it when it's perfect.

Image 1- Thumbnail

Image 2- Only in-game screenshot so far

GameJolt page soon!

Can someone help me with these errors? I've had them for days now and cant find out whats wrong with them.

(The first pic is the errors, and the second pic is the line the errors are coming from. Thats the only code on line 7. Pic 3 is the full script)