Five Nights in Anime 3D CLASSIC EDITION

1 year ago


time has come (i think...) i finished the OFFICE!


say ur oppinions in ⁠comments, i want to read all of them
if u have ideas them cmon, give me them (if they good ill add) i spent a lot of time in Cinema4D and was thinking how to make it (deco)
and now u see what u see hope u like it

update time...



Next up

Happy Valentines Day


thx guys!

sry for not posting anythings... have some problems irl..

damn guys im fully forget about GameJolt to post render

a bit late but Happy New Year

Ha! Ha! Ak goes Brrrrr!

One of the 2 last rooms is ready!

[Read article]

fnia only rabbits

Well its seems that u guys maybe want me to work still

So i made this render of Yurin :P

Happy Birthday to me!

FNIA baby

So! Build is ready to be tested!

I'll drop it for testers (in Discord) in one or less hour...

Tester's be sure to check it out!!!