4 months ago

Read article.

Sorry I haven’t been posting much. I’ve haven’t had any inspiration nor patience to draw in the past several days. I haven’t really been in the mood to do anything. I had a few drawing ideas I had in mind but that stuff is going to wait until I get a new (cheaper) drawing board because *cough* my pen broke *cough* that might not come in until Christmas sadly… In the meanwhile, I’ll do what I can to entertain y’all… *If. You. Find. Me. Entertaining..* *cough* Anyway…

Hope y’all have a peaceful day!! :)



Next up

I did an art trade with @White_The_Fox (thank you!!)

1st image is what I gave

2nd image is what I got

Give him a follow! He is a really chill guy, and makes cool art!


They finished baking.

Take any if you like. 😊🫶

Yo boi can COOK!!!

(Sorry if I offended any Italians with my cooking) 😬

Uh @Mausy wanted me to repost these in some other communities (that @Victoree had previously invited me to) so here it is ig


Gimme them goltbucks gamegolt!! >:D


Uh random art of Sunny (thats her name)

Alr brb

First time baking chocolate chip cookies! By myself!!!

Hello !!!

Yo boi can cook!! AGAIN!!

(Sorry again if I offended any Italians)