So what’s on my mind ok Well, I had two cats I Loved very much since I will say from 2016 to 2017 in the summer they was gone but my bro always had this DS and he can make videos on it was a DS I ok never mind the name so, he was recording the cats on it and Remember I used to be happy and always play with the cats but 1 year later when it happened that cats went ☹ and my Bro still had the DS I from way back and Video theme in the link below used to play and I always remember those times when I was happy but now tears went down my cheeks and I still miss those cats but to make things worse the DS broke years later which was sad the only thing I remember was they had black and white spots like up top.
Please guys say CAT in the comment that brings good joy to my life they were cute cats
every time you cry or when you get in trouble or something, they always cuddle you :( sad to see them go. Anyways guys Thank you and good night 😊.
DS i