On this channel you can post roleplays participate in roleplays and quite an amount more (just keep it at low violence unless the roleplay has violence but no blood and gore its just ugh! I'm like come on its not like I want to see or hear about it even though there have been multiple occasions where the kids gone on a genocide run but thats not the point right now!) though you may want to go over whos going to voice who in the roleplays you can swap roles after each roleplay if you want its just after you pick it on a post you have to stick with it unless you request a switch though the other person you swap with has to say yes as well unless its not filled in then you can go on the role (also no sipping haterade on a post please its not like I want haters to be on here but hey its unavoidable but just try not to be hating and ruin someones day it could ruin the day of a lot more people then you'd expect) though I'd also prefer if it was Undertale roleplays or AU versions of it on roleplays or a mash up of multiple AUs just be sure to put an article with the roles of the characters on it you can fill in multiple roles if you are willing to but if someone fits a tad bit more then I'd have to consider who is doin who on it though you can also roleplay other games though put a hashtag infront of which game its based on or games if its multiple like for example #Undertale #somethingsomething or #Fnaf just be sure to put that in front of what you want the roleplay to be about (and also I might make some posts on my spare time which will be edited multiple times if your interested you can join in at anytime by replying to my comment and I'll add you into the next one which will be in the comment section of it and your free to put as many stickers as you want on any of my posts see ya when I have made my first roleplay post!)



Next up

dang it the game keeps closing the rooms I've been trying to let other people join me in (new room code: KYFR) [also yes I'm lonely here :( ]

just going to repost this from another profile I found it on (this isn't meant to be very offensive but if it is then why? [also don't make me have to live through that time I got blocked just because I said them getting banned from a game was nasty])

I changed my name in among us from a number to something with actual letters since I could finally think of a name finally after my 6th impostor game after 3 times in a row yesterday and only one crewmate game sadly :p (more in the article)

now I'm confused on who the impostor is more than ever (sorry I just saw something about reposting it and wanted to make a joke along with it hope I didn't 'crack' anyone up to badly with the joking)

if you don't know what I mean by them telling me those things then look at the pictures and they still keep sending me replies when I already told them I'm ignoring them so they should see that I'm not listening to them sooner or later

just showing a server I made no big deal (also this is my first game since I just finished some practice on it and yes I put a cherry on my head)

here is the new room after I was afk for to long on the other one I'll try to not be afk for to long here (code: is SBXH)

here have a golden carrot hope they don't run off though. . . . (I just felt like making an among us oc today tell me how it is if you want to and hope I didn't offend anyone with this)

just a little pixel art I did on pixilart.com nothing to complex (yet) [my username on the site is a3random2memer in case you wanted to see a bigger version]

guess I'll repost it