4 years ago

read the article

Good morning, good afternoon, good night at what time you are reading the article. How are you guys, so I'm going to show you all the things I'm doing in these times

but first i was seeing now that all the famous friday night funkin creators are on the site thats amazing welcome creators! and I even liked the idea of them putting their mods there on the site because I always see a lot of people watching, playing and even talking about the most popular fnf mods, I'm happy but I hope the gamebanana situation can solve this one of the hacker

well coming back here with my dev

first I'll talk about Unkown Species


since then I was focused on the BIML business

so I'm going to take a break from it and release a BIML update for you

and about the Unkown Species you noticed that the banner is full of unknown species and that I didn't make the monster sprites in the game I just made them in the game banner

BUT I made a game over screen for two of them

and they don't have a name so I'm just going to leave the two game over screens of these monsters and down (WARNING gore)


Scary right?

and for those who want to know the protagonist's name

I won't tell :wedoalittletrolling: but don't worry at the end of the game you'll know (if I finish of course)

and some game changes

1-the character. yes it's ridiculous with the black border so when i redo it i send in gamejolt the real design of it (yes the character is male so the hair may look like it's a female but it's actually male)

2-you will have JUMPSCARES WOOO of course because the game is OF THE GENRE OF TERROR, so there is someone who has something that scares your screen

3-tilesets, and in-game props will change

with the time of my evolution in my devs, my animations or pixel art in aseprite will improve a lot


well that's all there if you have a question just say it in the comments

I hope you enjoyed the news and the game over screens.

that's it and bye guys good morning, good afternoon or good night to you ;)))



Next up




NEW night cycle of bloodness update 5.5

-volume adjustments

-changed enemy graphics

-more animations

-simplified tutorial

-fixed the pause system bug

-improved game optimization


Hello people Good morning, good afternoon and good night

as I said in a post about the P version of the game

I'm going to show you some of the things I've added to the game and what I'm going to add to it.

Wario's Apparition (The "famous" Project) 11/23/2020

1.0.4 update now on newgrounds and game jolt https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/794042

@gamejolt make an update that allow us to change the background of our profile, like the ad for example

I forgot to mention that, for a long time after these updates, the in-game trophy system has been deactivated. It will soon be back up and running better

v1.1.0 updated