10 months ago

‼Read The Rules‼


1: If you want to use the characters from our game for your game ask the owners (us)

2: give credit to the game owners if you use the characters/anything from our game for any edits/3D Animation/videos/gameplay/video react or anything if you do or play it!

3: We accept requests (I mean, sometimes), if you want to request something, we'll do it but if we don't accept, we'll don't do it


1: Don't trace/copy anything from the characters or the game (read rule 2)

2:no fighting in general conversations, or on other channels

3: don't you make fetish/NSFW art (art +18) of the characters in the game

If you broke those rules:

-you will be banned for a few months

or, if you can't resist stopping doing +18 Stuff, the game will simply be cancelled/deleted

Have A Good Day 😇



Next up

The Security Office (ignore the pink thing, it's just a missing texture of celebrate poster)

A Pre W.ip of Minigames:

Game progress: (60%)

🆕👾New Post From Estevam2008_animator's Gamejolt Account👾🆕:

Heyo Guys, I'm am officially back here at my gamejolt's account

Sorry if i wasn't active here" i had alot of irl stuffs i have to do

Today It's My Birthday Guys!!!

I'm 14 Years Old!

🆕New Post From Estevam2008_animator🆕:

The Map It's Still In W.i.p

(Yep, i remade the snae map [Six night's at estevam's])

All the credits of those models

go to the respective owners of it

I hope y'all like it👍🏾

FNAEF's 1 Model Showcase: Coming Soon..... On Day 13/10 (My Birthday Special, 14 Years Old!)

Link Of The Vídeo: https://youtu.be/npMInRq8uiE

I don't know why... but click on this video⬇️

Coming Soon

FNAEF'S Reimagined On PC And For Android

FNAEF'S Reimagined 2: Part And Services Room



Toy Chica Gamer Kawaii (My GF)




Bonnie The Bunny

Credits: FNAF: Scott Cawthon

Model: Scott, Steel WoolStudios

Fix: Thudner

Port SFM: Mountroid

Splinks R.Gaming

Hello Guys It's Me =)

I Change My Profile Now