Am I the only one who disliked the new
"Gunz N Smoke" song?
Like, A LOT of Eminem songs are very fire bangers, but I don't know, I'm not a fan of the vocals at all, listen it and give your own opinion!
Wasn't it inappropriate for Eminem to perform Eminem - Without Me live after Deborah Mathers (Eminem's Mother) passed away? Specifically due to the "FUCK YOU DEBBIE" part? Not many people realized.
I still wonder why is Eminem 90% of time always serious in photos, like, others can smile, however, Eminem just gives a serious stare.
Is the reason why the Spotify "Bad Apple!!" sounds slightly different and longer due It's not the YouTube/Music Video version? If you didn't remember or notice, the Intro is longer in Spotify, might be the same on Apple Music.
Why are there so MANY versions of "Bad Apple!!"
There's quite many Official Remasters, Remixes, Collaborations, Covers, etc.
What was the actual cause of Reimu Hakurei dropping the apple?
Was the apple that awful?
Why are there so many Drama, Controversy, Childish and Immature people in this platform?
All I want to say is.
This platform was MEANT to be for creating and sharing YOUR games, not a Twitter revival.
The "Moderation" in this platform still sucks, It's been years, and Game Jolt REALLY does have a little chance of being sued in the future.
This platform is NOT meant to be a dating website like Tinder.
There are more cons than pros of having an on-line relationship.
If you lose Internet or your devices, you lose them forever.
Distance, It's all virtual
All you do is role-play to share love to your "partner"
You should just Block and Report someone, not go all out harassing them, It's clearly against the Game Jolt Guidelines and you risk a timeout.
This platform's servers struggle due to how many users are on-line and because Game Jolt's creators are slowly going bankrupt, yet people don't donate.
Thanks for reading! <3
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