7 months ago

🇺🇲:*Reappears to grow* 😌

🇲🇽:*Reaparece para crecer* 😌

X: ¿Por qué te desapareciste Meya? 🤨 / Why did you disappear Meya? 🤨

Meya: hehehe 😅

Meya después de que su teléfono y tableta gráfica valiera burguer/Meya after her phone and graphics tablet were worth a burger:


🇲🇽:Es que se me descompusieron y me dió un infarto y pues 😅 volvió la Meya, por cierto mi oc de irl lo rediseñe por que me hicieron que creciera mi pelo y mis puntas ahora son rubias 😁, asi que también por muchas razones estuve ausente dulzuras, pero ya regrese y estoy listo para hacer el webcomic. Por cierto, nueva firma 🗿

🇺🇲:It's that they broke down and I had a heart attack and well 😅 Meya came back, by the way I redesigned my irl oc because they made my hair grow and my ends are now blonde 😁, so for many reasons I was absent, sweets, but I'm back and I'm ready to make the webcomic. By the way, new signature 🗿



Next up

🇺🇸I don't know what the hell I did hahahaha

🇲🇽No sé que mierda hice jajajaja

This video is not mine, it is from a friend and the art is not mine either, it may be a preview of the webcomic since I will base myself a little on this, but lengthening the fight :3

I want it sweets


Just a drawing of converses with some kind of shooting star behind (Just drew that because A- Converses are cool and I wanted to learn to draw them and B- I wanted to do an illustration with very bright colors)

:v XD Actually this is the representation of Y/N

Staying at my mom's place for the weekend, along with objectively the best girl Penny!

Drew Klaus playing with her for the occasion :3

🇲🇽: Gente encontré una ratita 😭 (me quedo divina 😏)

🇺🇸: Guys, I found a little mouse 😭 (I look divine 😏)

Sorry sorry sorry :(...

Random sketch (I plan on finishing it one day… maybe… or maybe it will stay on the WIP pile for month…)

I had this drawing in my gallery and I'm going to upload it here :D