4 years ago

Rebel Princess Twilight Sparkle!🏃‍♀️👸✨✨✨💕❤️👑🐴🐺🏋️‍♀️🚺💟☮️

This is how Twilight is like.


In my universe, during the events of the so-called ‘Canterlot Wedding‘ when instead of marrying poor peasant pregnant Cadence(since she was never entirely the ‘princess’ according to her adoptive mother, the former princess ruler, Celestia(who’s actually a tyrantess because she lied about the false history of her family linage including about her younger sister, the current *rightful* ruler, Princess Luna, when she was the dangerous ruler.

From the beginning, their old mentor, Starswirl the Bearded, saw the future that Celestia is entirely the example of the end of Equestria, even their parents(King Cosmos & Queen Galaxia) knew the truth.

In the process, every pony found out about Cadence’s true origins when her DNA test results were negative since she was never the real descendant of the Crystal Empire’s Princess Amore, which shocked Celestia in guilt and anxious.

Shining Armor is truly getting married to the changeling Queen, Chrysalis, for his way of showing and sharing love with the changeling drones.

To make things even worse, the former bearers of the Elements of Harmony(Laughter, Kindness, Honesty, Loyalty and Generosity); her now ex-friends(Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash) abandoned her for the wedding, breaking up the friendship, to be the ‘bridesmaids’ when they’re actually his grooms maids(when he sexually assaulted them into the offer of forcing them to become his friends).

Even her spoiled bratty baby dragon former #2 assistant, Spike left her to rot to become the new prince, finally having everything he’d always wanted, despite her warnings about the changeling Queen and the invasion about to begin.

The reason why Shining always hated her because of his never ending jealous and loathing of her existence since Celestia’s the one responsible for making his sister became a popular pony of all of Equestria including Canterlot.

Fizzlepop tried to hide his coldness towards their little sister by using the delusional spell to deceive her into believing that he loved her as her BBBFF(Big Brother Best Friend Forever) when she is entirely her BSBFF(Big Sister Best Friend Forever).

But after realizing that she can’t hide it any longer, she told her baby sister the truth of everything she did to hide the essence of their brother as she cried in despair and remorse and apologized.

But since she would never hold any grudge on the only sibling that she idolized as her true role model inspiration to live on amazing magical adventures, Twilight forgave her since she was only trying to protect her for what’s best for her.

Well, almost all friends except her *true* friends and irreplaceable bridesmaids(Moondancer, her sister Morning Roast, Twinkleshine, Minuette, Lemon Hearts and Lyra) of Cadence including her adopted oldest sister;

*In my universe, she’s never called Tempest Shadow*.

The deformed-horned unicorn, Fizzlepop Berrytwist(captain of the Royal guards) and The Uni-Teers(Spring Rain and Glitter Drops).

*They, instead of leaving Fizzlepop because of her broken horn from their mistake of dragging her to get their ball from the Ursa Minor cave in defense, they stayed with her to comfort her*

And of course, their #1 assistant, the gluttonous but loyal hedgehog, Grubber.

Along with Princess Luna, they managed to rescue the real Cadence and her unborn twin daughters(both baby alicorns), Flurry Heart and Skyla in the underground crystal cavern caves that Shining imprisoned the three.

This betrayal took a heavy toll on her, she took the five powerless Elements with her to find new bearers/friends while hers(Magic) is still strong alongside the Uni-Teers’ elements(Courage, Compassion, and Sympathy).

As Princess Luna took her place on the throne as ruler, she banished Shining Armor and his changeling family from Equestria forever including her own sister for all years of fibbing, while sparing the five victims since their assault with a serious final warning(If they ever set hoof on poor broken-hearted Twily again, they’ll be banished as well).

Another bombshell hits when Fizzlepop revealed Celestia’s ultimate failed plan;

To make her the new princess of Equestria, known as Princess of Friendship instead her biological daughter, Princess Sunset Shimmer(whom she forget her existence while focusing on rule duties instead of parenting and made her ‘evil’ as she banished her to the Mirror World until Cadence and Luna brought her home back to her title and throne as Heiress to the throne as Future ruler of Equestria, Celestia’s biggest fear of all), by using her as her emotional medicine;

she wanted to make sure any of her students have alicorn magic{which she knew is Twilight the whole time}, she wanted depressed students and two heartbroken daughters to feel happy.

In the process, she has stolen poor Twilight’s entire childhood!

The truth made her feel more angry, fearful, betrayed. She lashed out at her former ‘mentor‘ and made a long speech of how she was always a dangerous pony to kill lives instead of protecting them since she always used the Elements bearers to do her fights instead of doing them for herself and she was always such poor excuse failure for a ruler, ruining everything and her family.

Because of this betrayal of her life being nothing but a lie, she ran away from Equestria in fear and agony of the pain in her heart, but made a promise to those who are on her side, even her true love;

Fizzlepop’s rookie of the guard, the Pegasus stallion Flash Sentry, which the Sparkle family(even their parents, Twilight Velvet and Night Light) approved their relationship, that they stay in touch with each other when the time was right for Equestria.

Then, the miraculous event happened!

When she ran off from the Everfree Forest into the Cave of Legends(I made up that land), a mysterious portal at the end of the cave that changed her life forever.

As the portal drove her into a new world where there are lots of Friendships to be taught while magic and technology mixed together, creating newest adventures ahead. As she explored the mysterious tower in the deepest part of the forest which hides the prisoner side(which is part of the volcanic area of the dragon(the cursed alihog prince, Fredrick Connor).

Twilight became as curious as she can be when this world.

When the mysterious creatures known themselves as mobians explain to her that she is in the planet Mobius, a world where all mobians made peace and harmony as fighters called the Freedom Fighters and introducing themselves as the mobian agency organization; dedicated to helping mobians who couldn’t help themselves known as the South Breeze.

Twilight didn’t understand it at first.

But when the leader, one of the alihog princesses of Aquatropolis, Melody Scarlet Soren, showed her how everything in mobius happens, she realized that they can help restart her life, but this time, for the better.

She told them about how she came to Mobius, about the original life in Equestria and of course the reason from betrayal.

With the South Breeze’s help, with get togethers with each of their families, Melody, her twin sister Kiki and the rest of Royal Soren took her in and accepted her as one of them when Melody officially adopted her as her own child.

Unlike Celestia, questioned if this life is what Twilight wanted, and the young pony finally accepted that choice.

As the South Breeze represented the newest Elements of Harmony(Justice, Passion, Radiance, Faithfulness and Intelligence), using the newest magic of the Magic of Harmony, with the power of the Harmony Emeralds(emeralds shaped like hearts), she was hailed the Princess of Harmony!

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