6 months ago

Recreation of the Part 5 Jason Chase Theme with Movie Instruments. (Not sure if it belongs into this channel. - lol) [REUPLOAD]

The loop should be perfect, but yet again GameJolt puts there a second of silence at the end. ¯\(ツ)
(I've reuploaded it, because I've made a slight update and GameJolt won't allow you to replace the video you've already posted. ¯\(ツ)/¯ )

Music Used:
Pam and Reggie Meet Jason
Reggie Is Caught / Pam Attacks

Official Friday the 13th: The game Soundtrack:
Friday the 13th: The Game (Official Game Soundtrack) (I wasn't able to find the Part 5 Jason Chase Theme)

The Original In-Game Chase Theme:
Friday the 13th: The Game - Soundtrack - Jason Part 5 (Roy)

SK: Jasonova Part 5 Chase Muzika s hudobnými nástrojmi z Filmu. (Nie som si istý, či to patrí do tohoto channelu. - lol)
(Reuploadol som tú muziku, pretože som ju trošku updatol a GameJolt ti nedovolí vymeniť video, ktoré už si postol. ¯\(ツ)/¯ )

Loop by mal byť perfektný, ale zas tam GameJolt dá na koniec sekundu ticha. ¯\(ツ)

CZ: Jasonova Part 5 Chase Muzika s hudebními nástroji z Filmu. (Nejsem si jistý, jestli to patří do tohoto channelu. - lol)

Loop by měl být perfektní, ale zase tam GameJolt dá na konec vteřinu ticha. ¯\(ツ)
(Reuploadnul jsem tu muziku, protože jsem ji trošku updatoval a GameJolt ti nedovolí vyměnit video, které už jsi postnul. ¯\(ツ)/¯ )

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Next up

Recreation of the Part 4 Jason Chase Theme with Movie Instruments. (Not sure if it belongs into this channel. - lol) [REUPLOAD]

Recreation of the Part 2 Jason Chase Theme with Movie Instruments. (Not sure if it belongs into this channel. - lol)

@WiseDrums is a Jolter to Watch! He posts videos and livestreams where he plays the drums along to video game music! Follow him before the quest ends on January 21 and you'll get Coins!

Recreation of the Part 3 Jason Chase Theme with Movie Instruments. (Not sure if it belongs into this channel. - lol) [REUPLOAD]

@danno-ezra is a Jolter to Watch and a musician / retro gaming fan who posts original songs, video game covers, and more!! Follow @danno-ezra before the quest ends on February 11 and you'll get Coins!

Coming soon...

A brief look at my old art-style remake of Alpha 3 (The best worst version). Anything I find good remains faithful to the original version, anything I find bad is remade to be more realistic. Read article for more info.


Happy Friday the 13th! (Made by me. :>)