In the last month a lot has changed in #LandOfEnchantments, and when I say a lot I mean it.
One of the things I’ve changed is the most recent addition to the game’s #enemy portfolio, the Corrupted Plant.
Does it look familiar? If so, tell me who do you think it is in the comments!
It is an enemy that can’t move and stays still shooting at the player. Don’t get too close though, as it will hurt your feelings with its poisonous spikes waves.
Also, we’ve changed the look of the most common enemy in the game: the Bat.
Now it fits the Corruption’s vibe!
The game has now over 40 items, and I have a lot more planned! Like, over 200 items. If you don’t think that’s a lot already, just wait and you’ll see. Stick onto my Twitter, I’ll be posting an image of all of the game’s items together this week.
The #crafting interface also got an update. Now craftable items appear first in the list, which hopefully makes searching for a recipe easier.
I’ve introduced recipe variants, which allows you to make, let’s say, Sticks with Sugar Maple Wood, Lollipops or Birch Wood.
They’re organized in a nice list right above the recipes.
Also, you can now search for a recipe if you know its name. If you want to only items that use Lollipops, you can do that by placing one Lollipop in the little filter slot right next to the search bar, which will filter out all other items that do not have Lollipops in their recipes.
References? Oh, my game is filled with them. I doubt you’d be able to find all just by playing the game once it gets released.
I’ve changed and added a lot more content, but I’m not talking about everything here. I’d spoil the fun! No, please. Also, I’d run out of content! xD
Oh yeah, before I forget, here’s a pic of the new #textures I’ve added to the terrain! Look at how it feels more alive! People voted for new textures and now I have added them!
How do you vote? Oh, that’s on LOE’s Discord. I’ll see yall next week!