Hey everyone! I hope everyone is doing amazing these holidays. A few others and I have been working hard on the game, so I hope what’s been shown has been up to your liking!
Short Synopsis:
Bash Jam and Celebration are in the game!
Updated the models with better textures and uniqueness
Some characters are rendered to fit on 1080p screens, as well as updated ones
Enemies can now deal damage featuring two unique attacks. The Acorn attack, which targets members dictating from the color of the acorn, and the Log Wheel attack
Characters can now heal (Cupcakes heal 50% of base health, Rock N’ Heal heals 20% of base health, Celebration does vampirism, but the damage is greater than the health received)
Renders are now made to look better for 1080p monitors instead of 720p
Long Synopsis:
As most of you know from Chip’s devlog, we updated the models so that some can have a unique spin while others have small additions. The more important issue about the models was the consistency of the textures. For example, old model Bonnie had textures that felt more cel shaded, and you could barely see the texture onto him. Another factor was that the character's colors were too similar, so the FNaF 1 gang has more desaturation to their colors than the FNaF 2 gang.
Another huge note was about proportions, such as long fingers, big feet, or unnatural body types that didn’t feel like the cast, so that was also adjusted. Here are the notes I wanted to write down:
Added freckles
Defined the head shape and torso
Added bunny teeth
Defined the head shape (copied from Freddy) and torso
Fixed the weird eyelid clipping that happens (you can see it in the thumbnail)
Extra fur tuffs
Adjusted head, torso, and pelvis
He finally has an endo hand (and all the Foxy fans cheered)
Toy Freddy
He now has glasses
Toy Bonnie
His guitar is now a keyboard-guitar
Toy Chica
DRASTICALLY changed the design (she looked too much like FNaF 1 Chica)
BB, JJ, and DeeDee
Their legs can now bend (as heavily requested by Chip)
As for the others, it was a change in texturing and the regular body proportion changes (fingers and feet). It took me a good while to make these changes, and it also meant that I had to redo the overworld idle, walk, and run animations all over again.

Since I still wanted the fighting gameplay to feel fresh, new, and unique. I developed ideas on how some attacks worked, especially for Bash Jam. The idea is that you play four notes and have to press Enter or the A button at the right time of the beat (you can get either Perfect, Good, OK, Near Miss, or Miss). Each note can help you build more damage depending on the timing you hit for the individual beats, which adds to your total damage.
Celebration is mixed for me. It feels too easy, but it’s a simple callback to RUIN’s Fazwrench sections. In this game, you have to balance the progress bar in the green bar within two seconds. I hope to improve or do something new with it, but a mixture of attacks you mash, time, or hold can keep the game a little better suited for players wanting to have fun playing it.
Speaking of which, enemy attacks! I wanted to make a simple attack that still had randomization, and you can block/parry on time (more on this after the devlog). So I made the acorn attack as a test to see if it’ll work as well as it does, which Chip and I agree looks good. The acorns change color depending on which member it's going to hit (it's easier for Xbox controller players to memorize since it matches the button colors):
This devlog also includes the Log Wheel attack from Woodchops, I think having attacks that the enemies have similar to the player’s is a cool idea, and I wanted to see it come true with that attack.
If you guys think these are cool ideas you'd like to see more of or want to see improved, let me know in the replies!
I am always reading and listening to what you guys say about the game. I know the game feels really niche compared to many other projects, but I appreciate you guys a ton, and it’s been hard to get this devlog out on time.
A lot of craziness has happened with the game, with Kane featuring the game in one of his tweets and AstralSpiff actually following the game too!
Also, hey, Spiff! I’m thrilled you like the game and think it looks cool. I watched your stream before I went to work, and seeing you pull up the game page on the stream was insane. I hope you’ll enjoy the game’s development along the way!
I hope you all enjoyed this devlog. I’m considering doing the next devlog in January since I have my seasonal job to go to, and I want my team to spend the holidays with their families at least. But for the next one, I will focus on the block/parry mechanics (specifically as a special move) AND hopefully update the customization scene so that you can see information about the character and such.