Hey Everyone! It's been a start to the New Year and a healthy end of the previous. It's going to be a slow start of the year for a lot of us, but once we get out of this slow start we'll begin to evolve the game more from it's skeleton state it's in currently, add more meat, etc. Of course, there is dire news to share for people who are hyped for a demo this year and give more realistic news on what I feel the progress of it all is going to go.
Short Synopsis
Plans for development this year (such as the fighting abilities, models, shops, and hopefully bug testing for the demo)
What's currently been done:
ENTIRELY Reworked Customization Menu (allowing to be a little bit more understandable and accessible)
You can create up to 1000 save files AND 1000 presets for your teams and your games (long are the days of only 3 save files and 7 presets to choose from)
The game's current size is nearly just under the size FNaF World's size is (FNaF World is 330 MB, REGLITCHED currently is 320 MB).
Long Synopsis
I wanted to start off 2024 by revamping a lot of the scripting we've made for the game in terms of Saves, Presets, and UI. As a lot of people could see, the Old Customization menu is on it's death bed and many people would say it's trying to be too much of both, FNaF World AND UCN.
You can see the glaring problems of this old customization menu, examples being:
Old Renders
Confusing Controller Button Layouts with descriptions
Too much information crammed into the screen
An overall, just a complete mess of spaghetti code that shouldn't be that way

So this is the new customization menu, much more refined and allows characters you haven't collected yet to be on screen when you collect them. Plus, NO PAGES! It's all a scroll away (for controller users, the scroll will continue onto your focus so you have no worries about it. It also looks amazingly clean in 1080p!

Bumpers determines if you want to change your characters, chips, or bytes with each screen and is saved flawlessly.
As for triggers? When you select your character, you can look between their attacks and read the descriptions and their damage.
I think this change was necessary and the fact it works as beautifully as it does is amazing. So much so that it's inspired me to want to update and start working on the menu AND settings as well.
I currently have plans for the development of the game moving forward, I'm not too sure if the fishing minigame will make it in during the progress but I'm hoping to get many of the hurdles that people will be wanting in the game to be fully accessable and, at the very least, playable and workable with both, keyboard+mouse and the controller. I'm trying to be as transparent as possible when thinking about the development for the game and how we'll be able to make it to the demo showcase. Here's what I'm thinking on each quarter:
2024 QUARTER 1- half of 2:
Fully reworking Main Menu and Pause Menu UI, A settings menu (filled with settings for windowed/fullscreen, sizes for those screens, and remapping controls [I hope to god it works]), the Store UI, and the dialogue scenes
This is so that many of the art during the time I'm working on this, could be finished and can be worked on later on for some of the attacks. ALSO this allows me to test controllers more often and rework some of the controller button images and make keyboard/mouse ones as well
2024 QUARTER 2 + 3 (if it gets worse, it'll probably be the rest of the year):
More Character Models, Fight Abilities/Short Minigames/Bosses, More Visual Stuff, etc.
I want to get more characters done and modeled for the game. Hopefully getting up to characters all the way up to the second row of the OG or half of the third row. This is so that we have a ton more to work with and more to animate with, I'm going to be finding more animators helping out with them if we're going to need them during that time but I believe thats for Chip and I to decide on how the progress for the game at that point will go along.
2024 QUARTER 4 (or if it gets to that point 2025 QUARTER 1-2):
Doing some cleaning work/finished up details and polishing for the demo version of the game.
This is the point where we're having everything finished up and ready to go for QA people to playtest the demo for and hope everything is up to standard (the highest of highs). I do want to make sure that people actually enjoy and give their feedback about the game we're giving to them and see if they'll enjoy the final product when we get around to it.
Of course this whole entire list of quarters is most likely going to change depending on how bad the progress becomes or if we're too late to meet these goals. I am hoping this time that we actually get the demo out at SUPER Late 2025 or early 2026, just so that we don't have expectations too high.
The reason why this devlog is so short of progress is because many of us were taking a month of relaxation from the game so that we could spend time with friends/family or simply focusing on work or classes. It's important to make sure everyone's ok and we still continue to make progress in some way.
As for me, it's been a stressful Christmas (especially with that seasonal job I had during the time). I haven't gotten around to finishing Help Wanted 2 but by the time you're reading this, I'm most likely going to be playing it. I taken a lot of that break time playing a few PS5 games that I got for Christmas (also I never owned a PS5, so I got that for Christmas too).
Hope you all have an amazing year and see you all again in a month or two, depends on what happens